Picture Day Is Monday, September 30th! Don't miss out! Click on the links for more info on ordering... Colon Elementary: https://store.geskusphoto.com/search/2546KMGGHPQEYY & Colon Jr/Sr HS: https://store.geskusphoto.com/search/3692SEVKLJWTIX
3 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
This is another reminder that we have an early release day today, September 25, 2024. The release times are as follows: Leonidas: 12:50 PM CES: 1:45 PM CHS: 1:35 PM. Our full calendar can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/magi24-25-calendar
3 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Attention 8th Grade Parents! 📢 Join us tomorrow, September 24, at 5:00 PM for an important meeting to discuss fundraising, upcoming trips, and other key information. We can’t wait to see you there! Don't miss out on these exciting details for your child's 8th-grade year!
3 months ago, Colon Community Schools
Due to expected weather, tonight's home football game has been delayed to an 8:00 PM start. Warm-ups will begin at 7:15 PM, along with military member recognition. We ask that all military members who are being recognized meet down on the track at 7:00 PM.
3 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
This is a reminder that we have an early release day tomorrow, September 11, 2024. The release times are as follows: Leonidas: 12:50 PM CES: 1:45 PM CHS: 1:35 PM The early release allows our teachers to participate in professional learning communities, where they will review new student data and develop instructional strategies for our classrooms. Our full calendar can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/magi24-25-calendar
3 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Please click here for our Monday Magi Messenger: https://secure.smore.com/n/6pm13-magi-messenger-september-2-2024
4 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Our August 5th "Back To School" edition of the Monday Magi Messenger can be viewed at: https://tinyurl.com/BTS-MM-2024 *Our next edition will come out on Monday, August 19th*
4 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Magi Families, Please join us for our 3rd Annual Magi Fun Fest & Enrollment Fair. It is this Saturday at Colon Elementary from 10-1! There will be the same awesome games and fun, but also free haircuts for new and current students. An amazing lunch is planned! Thank you for your feedback so far on our Strategic Plan, which we seek to update again this fall. The survey is open until July 31, and we would love to hear from you. For those who prefer a paper-based version, copies are available in the front offices at both Colon Jr/Sr High School and Colon Elementary. Your input is valuable, please visit our website link below or the front offices at CES or CHS for more info! Strategic Plan Survey & Information: https://www.colonschools.org/o/colon/page/strategic-plan-2023
5 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Colon Magi Families, please help us update our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan and provide your input: https://tinyurl.com/ColonMagi-SPUpdates
5 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
We have had a lot of parent and community interest in our events this week, as well as questions about summer programming and summer school. Please don't forget that our Monday Magi Messenger has all of that info. Current and past issues can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/MagiMM-2024. AND Summer school sign-ups can be completed at: https://tinyurl.com/SummerMagi2024 Let's make this a couple of weeks to remember! GO MAGI!
7 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
We have made a collaborative decision to reschedule Field Day for Lower Elementary (K-3) from Tuesday to Wednesday due to the forecast! It will be a few minutes shorter, but it will be so much fun!
7 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Good morning, Magi families. After collaborating with our teachers, with parents through our calendar committee, and with board approval, we are delighted to share next year's calendar with you. https://tinyurl.com/magi24-25-calendar
7 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
Due to power restoration estimates, and observed conditions on roads schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, May 9th. The AP Human Geography field trip to Chicago is ON for tomorrow at 8AM The Lower Elementary Field Day at CES is postponed for tomorrow, and we are looking at Tuesday, May 14 as a possible reschedule date, but that has not been finalized. Our evening CES Art/Music event is also postponed. Stay safe, Magi families!
7 months ago, Colon Schools
Magi Families: Today from 12-1 we will have bag lunches available at the cafeteria door of CHS. If your family needs anything please do not hesitate to reach out to administration, and we can connect you with resources.
7 months ago, Colon Schools
Good evening Magi families. Due to impassable roads and concerns about power stability, our schools will be CLOSED tomorrow. Some staff and families have been impacted by the destruction caused by tornadoes. Please keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers. If you need assistance with anything, please send an email to help@colonschools.org or leave a voicemail with our school offices, as we receive these via email. You can also message our Facebook page.
7 months ago, Colon Schools
CES afterschool activities are canceled due to the tornado watch. However, the timing was not great, and we do not want to disrupt our normal dismissal for safety purposes. Parents, please make your way to pick up Girls On The Run and CARE students starting at 3:20 PM. Girls on the Run students can be picked up in the gym area, and CARE students can be picked up in the front office. Thank you!
7 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
🌞📚 HOT OFF THE PRESS... 📚🌞 Summer's almost here! 🌟 Exciting programs and opportunities await our 1st-8th graders! Whether it's new interests, skill-building, or pure fun, there's something for everyone. Make this summer unforgettable! Free breakfast, snacks, lunch, and transportation provided. July 1-August 2 (no programs 7/4). ENROLL NOW: https://tinyurl.com/SummerMagi2024. All programs are at Colon Elementary, in separate areas of the building, with a shuttle service for mid-day scheduling needs. Parents of Incoming 6th Graders: Don't miss our Transition Program! Sign-Up Today! 🚀
8 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
🌞📚 Summer is just around the corner, and we've got some incredible opportunities lined up for our 1st-8th graders! 🌟 Whether it's exploring new interests, honing skills, or just having fun, our summer programs have something for everyone. Don't miss out on the chance to make this summer unforgettable! Free breakfast, snacks, and lunch are included as is transportation. Register each student now at ENROLL NOW: https://tinyurl.com/SummerMagi2024
8 months ago, Olivia Spidle
Families, questions about which state assessments are being given this week and when? Our Monday Magi Messenger has you covered each week! This link will take you directly to the testing portion: https://www.smore.com/n/epxc6/preview#b70kfcc0lc Please, we need your help making sure all students arrive ready to show us their VERY BEST, ready for breakfast, and to show us their growth!
8 months ago, Rachel Kowalski
📣 Attention all parents and students! 📣 Don't miss out on the chance to preserve this year's memories forever! 📚✨ April 26th is the LAST day to purchase the yearbook online. 🗓️ To help us spread the word, we are sharing this awesome video that captures some of the best moments of the year. 🎥 Video Link: https://tinyurl.com/MagiYearbook24
8 months ago, Rachel Kowalski